What the Eagle has to teach us about time….

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Greetings Everybody,

​In this month’s newsletter I’ll be discussing time and how the Eagle can help us all with this. Like many of us I have always found the Eagle to be a beautiful and majestic bird. Of course this bird is one of the most admired and inspirational birds of prey that symbolizes many things for us all from spirit, healing and creation. However what made me stop and re-think of how I see this bird was when I was recently reading one of my favorite books: The Power of Now by Elkhart Tolle. In this book the author makes the statement that is as follows:

“Imagine the Earth devoid of human life, inhabited only by plants and animals. Would it still have a past and a future? Could we still speak of time in any meaningful way? The question “What time is it?” or “What’s the date today?” – if anybody were there to ask it – would be quite meaningless. The oak tree or the eagle would be bemused by such a question. “What time?” they would ask. “Well, of course, it’s now. The time is now. What else is there?”

​I found this truly extraordinary and it put into perspective for me how every living animal and plant is living for the moment and enjoying it to the fullest. However we spend so much of our lives flip flopping between the past and the future keeping them around as good friends when we do not need to. Unlike the majestic Eagle we are not living in the present. There’s always somewhere to get to or dreaded thoughts and feelings of bad events from the past weighing us down, these are keeping us from focusing on the most important aspect – right now. If we stop and think all animals and even plants like the oak tree mentioned are only living for right now as right now is the most important moment.

​So now as I think of my friend the Eagle and the oak tree they keep reminding me to live in the now and enjoy every moment. As I hope this message will also help you to also remain in this moment and may your thoughts soar as the Eagle living for this current moment in time.

May you all be well in spirit and health,

~Peter Lorean, CLC, CH.t


​Andrews, T. (1993). Animal Speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small. Llewellyn.
Tolle, E. (1997). The Power of Now