When it comes to setting goals for ourselves, no one can really make us do anything. Yet, if we truly, deeply, really want to make something happen, we may need a way to be held accountable.
Most people, when left to their own devices, get in the way of their own best intentions. We stay in bed when we meant to be at the gym. We ate the third slice of pizza when we meant to have a salad. We spent another night in front of the TV when we really meant to begin our dream blog or job search. We can’t help it. We want to avoid pain and we seek pleasure. It’s what we are wired for!
For those times when we can’t muster the discipline ourselves, we require accountability to assist in staying the course. Who will we answer to if we will not answer to ourselves? How about considering a life coach?
Unlike counselling or therapy, which treats the root causes (in other words, the “why”) of mental health issues, life coaching is about the “now” and “how”—as a forward-thinking process, it focuses on what you can do now to propel yourself toward success. Life coaching helps you first to identify your goals and then to bring them, and the actions needed to achieve them, into the present.
However you feel stuck, a life coach can empower you to create the change you want. The essence of life coaching is to provide a framework to allow for introspection, and to give you the tools and motivation to help yourself. You will learn to confidently face difficult situations, push past belief barriers, and not only recognize your potential but also fulfill it with complete sense of clarity within your mind.
There is no shame in teaming up to be sure you don’t betray yourself and your best intentions. In reality it’s just the reverse; in teaming up you actually honor yourself and have your best intentions in mind. Microsoft CEO Bill Gates said it best, “Everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or bridge player.”
If you have questions, thoughts, comments or looking for a dynamic life coach please feel free to contact me today.
May you all be well in spirit and health,
~Peter Lorean CLC, CHt